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[1] Getting started with the Product Management

 Okay, Cool!

Let's start diving into the topic: 

Why do the tech companies need a Product Management team in the first place?  (Yay!, we're starting with Why)

Tech industry?? 😓 One word that often goes hand-in-hand with technology is “invention”. Technology by its very nature is inventive – either improving on what currently exists or creating something never seen before to address a problem or issue. And hence, the industry or companies that building products which solve a problem in an innovative manner falls under tech industry.

E.g.: Amazon, Apple, Tesla, Canva.

We'll look into the jargons like service based industry, product based industry, SaaS, B2B, B2C in a later post!

Those companies need someone who could set vision, strategy of a product, leading and drives multi-disciplinary teams, draw roadmap, identify features & prioritize which in turns become a product's success.

That's it? Of course, NO. There are more we need about the PM.

You might have seen the below image on the net which depicts the role of a PM:

So, if we know what a PM is doing with the product we should be able to understand what the domain is and need of the same.

  • User Experts: They are analyzing the user needs, solving people's problem (both customers and internal team)
  • Communicate inside out and outside in i.e. always share the right information with designers, engineers, UX team members, senior management, sales person & customers, etc. in the form of writing, speaking, emails, presentations.

              | If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand well enough - Albert Einstein

  • Executors and aids executing 
  • Analyze the data, and make decisions
  • Driving the inter-disciplinary team members, influence them
  • Having a better product design sense, design thinking
  • Thinking ahead, i.e. visionary
  • Business savviness, they have knowledge in business model, understand how the business works inside out, can be able to forecast with the help of data
On the whole, they craft something of value for customers and the artful decision-making required to build the product successfully!

It is highly difficult to master every aspect (as mentioned above), but we could give it a try!

Wait! What? Project Manager in some organization doing the above things? 😖

Cool, the Product Manager is not about the designation, if we're aiding the product to move from A to B (using the skills as mentioned above), we're part of the PM team! 👏

Interesting reads - herehere and here.

See you on the next post! Until then, Bye! Cheers! ✌ 

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