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LeapScholar Teardown - Learning

 Welcome again! ✌

In this episode, we are going to look into the product LeapScholar.

It supports future leaders from India in their quest to study at the best global schools. Their team of global study experts and student mentors guide at every single step.

About IELTS Prep:

It's an application by LeapScholar that helps the students prepare for the IELTS test.


This activity was part of teardown event conducted by The Product Folks, a volunteer-driven community of PMs and enthusiasts who are passionate about making an impact and help everyone grow together.

I'd like to show my gratitude towards them! 🙌


Problem Statement: Improvement in Engagement of Students planning to take IELTS in next 6 to 12 months

Here is my deck: Click here

What did I do?
  • Identified a user persona - Still needs to be researched and would have identified a detailed persona.
  • Suggested three ideas to improve app engagement. Let's look what are those ideas:
    • Short free video clip insertion
    • Free courses based on user's proficiency level (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)
    • Self learn tab where user's can speak with the app which in turn rank the pronunciation
To conclude, I've slightly improved in terms of using wireframing (Shapes in PPT 😝) instead of copy pasting google photos. There is much more to improve.

Let's learn today to take a step ahead.

(In comparison with the finalists of this teardown activity. Referring the decks of Pearl Babber, Nishit PatelDaniel Monterio. I'd like to say Thanks & Congratulations to every finalists.)

What I didn't do?
  1. Strong User Personas
  2. User pain points
  3. User journey analysis
  4. User empathy
  5. User retention flow
  6. Metrics to measure engagement and retention
  7. Better solutions
Okay, let's dive into each line item to understand better.
  1. What I've missed to build a strong user persona?
  • Confidence level in English speaking
  • User's feeling on why she / he needs IELTS program
  • Amount of time that the user can spend on the app daily
Still a separate post on developing a strong user persona is pending! :waiting:
  1. User pain points
  • Failed to identify the user frustrations like:
    • Too many choices available and it is difficult to choose and compare against each other
    • Since the user has 6-10 months till the exam, spending one hour a day is a big commitment for them. They can't be able to set smaller goals.
    • The user doesn't get rewarded for consistent learning
  • It is clear that the user persona and pain points go in tandem. Hence, we should remember that whenever we're building user personas it is mandatory to add their Goals and Pain points.
We've already discussed user personas and pain points (surface level 😉) on the last teardown activity. I recommend you to go through this, if you haven't before.

    3. What is user journey analysis? How to do it?

It is the process of analyzing the customer experience across every touchpoint in the customer journey. The user analysis journey helps to identify the essence of the product through the user's eye.

This is an example of detailed customer journey on Spotify. This analysis is not relevant to the LeapScholar teardown we're looking but I couldn't resist myself to post this:

The journey map identifies the key user behavior, engagement and helps the PM where to implement the identified solution. Let's try to replicate the same for some other product next time.

It's evident that the User persona, Pain points, Journey analysis intersect each other.

    4. User empathy

User empathy is trying to see any user’s perspective on the product that you are working on. It’s about being able to identify with them and represent them when making decisions that might benefit or hurt them.

It's all about identifying how much the user is concerned about our product / service.

We usually get the grasp of the user's empathy by researching, send out surveys, collecting feedback, conducting user reviews etc.

Another tool called Empathy mapping, could be useful. All you need to do is answer the below questions from the user's perspective:

Empathy mapping digs deep into the mind of our user, and it will help you to clearly identify their evolved wants and needs and positive and negative areas for improving.

    5. User retention flow

User retention rate is the reflection of the health of the business.

One way to understand your users is to break their journey into 4 stages:
  1. Evaluators: Want to discover (Motivated)
  2. Beginners: Sees the value, wants to try once (Curious)
  3. Regulars: Proficient users who are looking to use regularly (Confident & Inspired)
  4. Champions: Pro users use the product regularly and influence others to do so (Empowered)

The PM job is to make sure the user doesn't lose interest in any phase of the wheel.

    6. Metrics to measure engagement and retention
If you can't measure it, you can't improve it. 
Read an interesting article here.

We should keep our eye on the ball. Here are some simple metrics to measure:
  • Daily Active Users/Monthly Active Users (DAU or MAU) - Simple measurement of no. of active users.
  • Net promoter score - One of the customer satisfaction metrics that tells how likely a user would recommend your product.
  • Churn rate - It is the opposite of retention, as it measures the opposite (i.e. the customers that stop doing business with you by unsubscribing for instance). It is important to compare it to previous data, as a sudden high churn rate might mean that your customers are not happy with a change in features, pricing or structure.
  • App rating - Your rating in the App Store, Google Play is a clear and public indicator of user satisfaction and engagement.
    7. Better solutions
  • Personalized recommendation in Learning tab
  • User progress tracking based on the number of questions correct, wrong and skipped
  • Leaderboard and badges - which gamifies the whole experience,
  • Weekly streaks
  • Loading screens could be used to show the product value propositions
Hope you find this case study useful. Let me know your thoughts here.

See you in the next post! Cheers! 👍

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